Publication (Economics)
Publication (Public Health)
Working Papers
Work in Progress
- Does Amazon Exercise its Market Power? Evidence from Toys R Us, with Imke Reimers and Benjamin R. Shiller, 2023 Journal of Law and Economics (link)
- Openness and Coronavirus-related Xenophobia: The Roles of Trade and Migration, with Jun He, Ming He, Wen Zhou and Xuanwen Nie, PLOS ONE, 2021 (link)
- A Theory of Pre-filing Settlement and Patent Assertion Entities, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2020 (link)
- Beyond Asset Ownership: Employment and Asset-less Firms in a Property-Rights Theory of the Firm, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016 (link)
Publication (Public Health)
- Discrimination and Social Exclusion in the outbreak of COVID-19, with Jun He, Wen Zhou, Xuanhua Nie, Ming He, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
- Accuracy and Timeliness of Knowledge Dissemination on COVID-19 among People in Rural and Remote Regions of China at the Early Stage of Outbreak, with Wen Zhou, Xuanhua Nie, Taoketaohu Wuri, Jin-Hai Piao, Dunshan Chen, Hui Gao, Jianmin Liu, Kyedrub Tubden, Ming He, Jun He, Frontiers in Public Health, 2022 (link)
Working Papers
- Classroom Peer Effects and Teachers: Evidence from Quasi-random Assignment in a Chinese Middle School, with Steven L. Ross, Working paper 2017-14, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, the University of Chicago, 2017
- Bargaining under Potential Non-credible Threats--Bargaining Positions and Mixed-strategy Equilibria, 2021 (under review)
- A New Model for Intermediate Microeconomics—Same Foundation, More Engagement, Flexibility and Diversity, 2021 (under review)
Work in Progress
- Coordination, Conflict and Escalation in Organizations
- Disintermediation in the Creative Markets, with Christian Peukert and Imke Reimers
- The Heterogeneous Price Effects from the Exit of Brick-and-Mortar Retail, with Imke Reimers and Benjamin R. Shiller
- Longer Lines, Higher Margins: Theory and Evidence on Location-based Competition, with Xiaoou Liu and Chen Zhu
- Featured in the News: from the Attention Aura to Competing Complements, with Katherine Ennis (Bates class of 2020)
- The Long-Term Effects of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on Innovation in the United States, with Olivia McCulloch (Bates College, class of 2021)
- The Impact of Legal Outsourcing on Companies’ H-1B Sponsorship, with Jiayang (Portia) Chen (Bates College, class of 2020)
- How to Train Your Dragon Children: Cultural Belief and Learning Achievement